The Hive

BEES National Ice Cream Day

Yesterday was an exceptionally sweet day at BEES as we celebrated National Ice Cream Day in the most delightful way possible. Recognizing the hard work and dedication of our team, we organized a special treat not just for our staff but also for the talented ice cream makers who bring joy to countless people with their delicious creations. To make this day extra special, we partnered with Mario’s Ice Cream Van Hire, a renowned name in the world of frozen delights, to bring their delightful treats to our brand-new location in the picturesque Dallington Fields Business Park.

At BEES, our employees are at the heart of everything we do. Their relentless dedication and unwavering commitment are the driving forces behind our success. We believe in showing our appreciation in meaningful ways, and what better way to do that than by indulging in the simple yet profound pleasure of enjoying ice cream together?

The arrival of Mario’s Ice Cream Van brought an air of excitement and anticipation. Laughter filled the air as colleagues gathered around, sharing stories and creating memories while savoring the wide array of flavors that Mario’s had to offer. From classic vanilla to exotic mango sorbet, there was something to please every palate. It wasn’t just a celebration of flavors; it was a celebration of teamwork, unity, and the shared journey that has brought us to this point.

Our company culture is deeply rooted in gratitude, and as the day unfolded, it was a reminder of the profound impact each member of our team has on our collective success. Without our dedicated BEES, we wouldn’t have reached the heights we stand at today. Their hard work and passion have propelled us forward, and for that, we are profoundly thankful.

As the day came to a close, and the last traces of sun dipped below the horizon, we shared smiles and contented sighs. To our incredible team, we extend our heartfelt thanks. Your dedication fuels our growth, and your enthusiasm shapes our vibrant workplace. Remember, at BEES, we don’t just work together; we celebrate together. Here’s to our amazing staff, the sweet taste of success, and many more moments of joy and togetherness in the future. Enjoy your ice cream, and thank you for being the buzzing force that propels BEES to new heights!