BEES Corporate Brochure

Flexible production facility for a wide range of projects Specialist engineers producing single or multiple repeat runs on small or large scale system builds as well as product prototypes and any type of control panel. We’re experienced at working with your in-house engineering and production staff or as your out-sourced team of skilled engineers. Business supply and demand will result in the need to make changes to your processes or machinery control systems. Working with you we can ensure this is a seamless task. You identify the need and we can procure the components to give you a fixed cost and production timescale for a range of projects. • Control Panel Building • Machine Building • Junction Box & Cable Loom Assemblies • Machinery Control Upgrades • Machine Moving & Installation • Control System Servicing Technological advancements are constantly being introduced, which is why in the electrical engineering sector it’s important to continually add to your skillset. As a team, we monitor developments and improve working practices on an ongoing basis to ensure you can access the latest information.